
Performance: « Not So Natural User Interface » by Julien Prévieux & Jean-François Jégo, galerie YGREC, Paris

Following the dance performance What Shall We Do Next? presented at Galerie Ygrec, Paris, Julien Prévieux (Prix Marcel Duchamp 2014) and I opened a discussion on gestures linked to new user interfaces and reflect upon their implications.

With the massive deployment of new ways of interacting with machines (touch pads, motion detection, eye tracking…) our gestures evolve and our movements become codified, constrained and patented. If certain companies can stake a claim to things which on first sight seem to belong to the public domain, these gestures can also be reappropriated. From the production of gestural hybrids to creating new types of movements, we will discuss how computer programs and choreographic practices attempt to regain control over these imposed standards.

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Interview about the project:

About Julien Previeux:


Julien Prévieux and What Shall We Do Next?
Dance performance + conference @ Media Medium
on April 11th 2014, 18h
Galerie Ygrec,20 rue Louise Weiss, 75013 Paris