Conferences Embodiment Gesture Workshop

2018-11-01 MeMuMo Conference – Moscow, Russia

Plenary Talk: Transcription/Inscription: how to deal with movement quality?

Dominique Boutet, Associate Prof., Ph.D., Université de Rouen, France
Jean-François Jego, Associate Prof., Ph.D., Université Paris 8, France
Vincent Meyrueis, Associate Prof., Ph.D., Université Paris 8, France


November 1st, 2018 at Moscow State Linguistic University

International Symposium “Languages, Cultures and Modalities:
New Perspectives for Cognitive Linguistic Studies”

MEMUMO-2018 Methods in Multimodal Communication Research

Master-class: Record, analyze and annotate gestures and sign languages with motion- capture technologies

Dominique Boutet, Associate Prof., Ph.D., Université de Rouen, France
Jean-François Jego, Associate Prof., Ph.D., Université Paris 8, France
Vincent Meyrueis, Associate Prof., Ph.D., Université Paris 8, France


During the masterclass, we will record a mini-corpus of dialogues using a motion capture equipment (Inertial Measurement Units “PercpetionNeuron”).
The MoCap data will be synchronized with the video of the mini-corpus, and visualized in the software ELAN. To do that, a general framework for qualitative
analysis (ELAN) according to quantitative descriptors (kinematics timelines, relative location, velocity and acceleration) will be presented.
Besides the recording and the analysis framework, we will explore some MoCap uses for annotation; namely a leap motion controller to annotate handshapes of sign languages and a module for the visualization of gestural descriptors on an avatar. These last developments are prototypes, which means your participation could help in designing the future of multimodal studies in linguistics!